STOP Biden’s Universal Gun Registration Bill, H. R. 715!

Joe Biden’s NUMBER ONE goal for this Congress is to register every gun owner in America through ‘Universal Background Checks,’ giving him a list of every gun owner in America and enabling future gun confiscation.

The bill (H.R. 715) has been filed, it has over 180 co-sponsors, and it’s been referred to committee.

H.R. 715 will make FELONS out of law abiding gun owners who transfer a firearm to their own family members, without first obtaining government permission!

Even worse, this legislation is being sponsored by House Republicans! While Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy wouldn’t pass a Democratic-led gun control bill, a RINO-Republican sponsored bill would be much more tempting!

This isn’t about guns, it’s about control.

Don’t let them get away with this! Fight back NOW! Sign your OFFICIAL PETITION against H.R. 715, so your U.S. Senators and Congressman know exactly where you stand!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Madison and in D.C.! You can get involved at!