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Oppose Gun Control—Sign Your Petition!

Don’t Let Wisconsin Pass Red Flags!

Don’t Let Wisconsin Pass Red Flags!

Joe Biden is offering Wisconsin RINOs tens of millions of dollars if they pass ‘Red ...
Help Stop Red Flag Gun Confiscations in Wisconsin!

Help Stop Red Flag Gun Confiscations in Wisconsin!

‘Red Flag Gun Confiscations’ legislation will allow liberal judges here in Wisconsin to order your ...
Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty!

Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty!

Joe Biden is enraged that he can’t control the House. That’s why he’s pushing the ...
STOP Biden’s Universal Gun Registration Bill, H. R. 715!

STOP Biden’s Universal Gun Registration Bill, H. R. 715!

Joe Biden’s NUMBER ONE goal for this Congress is to register every gun owner in ...

Member Input—Take Action!

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