“This is crazy! I never thought I’d live to see so many people in Wisconsin fighting to destroy the Second Amendment. I need to become a member now!”
That’s what Steve, from Appleton, told us over the phone last night as many of you have contacted us about the massive gun control protests going on in Wisconsin — and across the nation — this weekend.
Simply put, many Wisconsinites were just now awoken to the harsh reality that anti-gun activists are mobilized and having an impact here in Wisconsin.
Of course, their goals are not to pass some peripheral gun control.
From banning the ever-popular AR-15, to blocking Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law, to establishing a statewide firearms registry — they want it all.
If you didn’t see our footage from the gun-grabbers event in Wisconsin, check it out here.
And, what’s more, they are being bankrolled by Michael Bloomberg, the NYC billionaire who is surround by 24/7 armed security.
But much worse than his funding of this one-day public relations stunt, is what he’s doing in the halls of the legislature in Madison.
All session long, the legislature has felt the force of gun control activists who crowd committee rooms by the hundreds trying to hammer gun control bills into law.
We’ve told you previously about Rep. Chris Taylor’s AB 65, which would establish a statewide gun registry right here in Wisconsin!
While we were able to stall that bill out, Bloomberg’s army has also stalled out our bill to pass Constitutional Carry.
The bottom line is that the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition — and gun owners state wide — are playing defense in Madison right now!
And with the end of the session in sight, primary elections only a few months away, and the all-important 2018 midterms right around the corner, I hope you’ll get involved in this fight immediately by joining WIFC.
A basic level membership is just $35, less than $.10 a day and includes up to date alerts from the WIFC!
A silver level membership is only $75 and comes with a FREE WIFC T-Shirt!
Our lifetime memberships come with a FREE T-Shirt, and a lifetime membership plaque!
I don’t know what you can afford, I just hope that you’ll join up as a member right away!
And if you’re already a member, I hope you’ll make a special 1-time donation today!
As gun owners, we know that the rights that we have are due, in large part, because of the generations of gun owners that went before us and fought to secure our freedoms.
Our children and grandchildren are trusting in you and me, right now, to make sure that we defend their rights, too!
If gun-grabbers ever get the votes to do it, they will strip us of our gun rights without a moment’s hesitation.
That’s why we can never let up.
The Wisconsin Firearms Coalition won’t let up, we won’t give an inch, and we won’t back down –- not ever!
Please stand with us now!
For Freedom,
Greg Pruett
Political Director
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition
P.S. Being whipped into a frenzy by the liberal media, and funded by Michael Bloomberg’s war-chest, thousands of people marched in Madison this weekend demanding gun-control.
And what’s more, many of these Bloomberg-backed activists are working to crush our gun rights in Madison, too.
That’s why you simply must stand with us right now!
So if you’re not already a member of the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition, I hope you’ll join TODAY!
And, if you’re already a member, please make a special contribution to help us maintain the fight in Madison right away!